100th post! Quick poll and win!


image via: Nina Gibson Designs

WOW! I’ve reached my 100th post. I can’t believe I’ve had so much to say! To celebrate, I’d like to take a quick poll. Vote before midnight (cst), thursday, April 30th to win a lovely pair of QUiD cute-as-a-button fabric studs! One winner will be selected at random. Be sure to leave an email address or other way to contact you if you’re a winner!




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15 responses to “100th post! Quick poll and win!

  1. Emily Thompson

    Took the poll!

  2. Conrats on your 100th post. I took your poll!

  3. Congrats! I voted jewelry. You can try it on easier than clothing, and all the baubles lined up on a table are very eye catching.

  4. Neat poll! Congrats on the 100th post! I chose home decor. Leave me out of the drawing since I recently won…

  5. I voted art prints because they’re usually inexpensive and I can buy more of them, instead of only buying one thing from one person.

    Congrats on your 100th blog! And I’m loving your new designs!

    ā¤ Kelli

  6. yay for 100 posts šŸ˜€

    and yay for voting!

  7. Your etsy shop is so cute!! My goddaughter would love ya!


  8. Congrats on 100!
    I am a sucker for both original art and jewelry.
    I voted art, since the jewelry that I do tend to gravitate to are works of art unto themselves šŸ™‚

  9. I took your poll, Heather. I’ll be interested to see the results, too.

  10. Christine

    Took your poll. Your shop is so cool!

  11. Courtney

    How did I not know about this blog? I just read that you were here on Saturday! I would have totally come out if I’d known about it! Oh well…maybe next time! I took your poll and I’m crossing my fingers to be the big winner! šŸ˜‰

  12. I love your blog layout! Makes me want to join wordpress…oh, and I Voted!:D

  13. Jewelry for me ! I like sparkly things šŸ™‚