The Final Countdown: 9 Days to Girlie

I’m a wee bit frazzled. I’m a huge bit freaked. We’re on the last leg of prep for the Girlie Show. I have 9 days to wrap up all of my projects, get everything tagged and make sure my booth display doesn’t fall apart. I have been working ferociously for 10 weeks now to get enough inventory to sell. I’m about 3/4 of the way there. Fortunately, I made myself do the hard stuff first (my hats). Unfortunately, my idea log (a.k.a. my brain) grows faster than my fingers can sew! I’m going to have to make myself stop soon.

A few weeks back, I found this great craft show checklist at Crafts Report to make sure I don’t forget too many things on the day of the show. Now I just have to find the time to gather the items on the list (thank God it’s an indoor show)! Is there anything I’m missing?

Craft Fair Checklist


·  Tools: wrench, hammer, pliers, nails, screwdriver, tape measure

·  Setup/put-it-together items: thumbtacks, pins and twist ties; wire, duct or masking tape; tape gun and glue gun; fishing line (invisible hangers), clamps and brackets; tie down ropes; boards or wood blocks for leveling; backdrop weights; dolly to cart stuff in/out; extra box for re-packing

·  Display equipment: booth signs, special displays, wall units, shelving, pegboards and hooks; folding screens and backdrops; risers, tables, chairs or stools

·  Lighting: clamp lights, extra bulbs and extension cords (one short, one long); plug converter (three-prong to two-prong), multi-plug adapter or power strip

·  Coverings: table drapes, extra cloth or curtain (to cover/block something from view), plastic drop cloths (opaque to hide displays overnight); floor coverings

·  Craft demonstration items: (as necessary for your art or craft); free samples, candy or cookies for shoppers

·  Promotional/sale materials: business cards, brochures, flyers, catalogs, other printed materials; portfolio or photos of your work; media packages (in case a reporter or columnist interviews you at a show)

·  Sale/order essentials: cash box or money apron (with plenty of change); calculator; invoice/order pads and purchase orders; extra price tags; sales tax chart; mailing list sign-up sheet; credit card swipe machine and extra charge slips; cellular phone; laptop computer

·  Office supply items: pencils and pens; paper clips; rubber bands; scissors; scratch pad; Scotch tape; stapler; clipboard and writing pad or notebook

·  Wrapping/packing supplies: sacks; bags; tissue paper; padding material; tape or string

·  Booth cleaning supplies: glass cleaner and paper towels; waste basket and garbage bags

·  Personal items: appropriate clothing; ice chest for food, water, juices and “neck cooler scarf”; thermal mug; tissues, towelettes and baby wipes; sun screen; hand lotion and first-aid kit (prescription drugs, bandages, headache remedy, etc.); bug spray; sewing kit; list of family members’ phone numbers in case of emergency.


The above checklist is excerpted from an article by Barbara Brabec that was originally published in The Crafts Report. It is reprinted here by permission from Barbara Brabec, author of several books for crafts business owners. Visit her at


Filed under Crafty Biz.

3 responses to “The Final Countdown: 9 Days to Girlie

  1. Good luck! Sounds like you’re prepared. 🙂

  2. Great checklist! Thanks for sharing!

  3. shary lee

    how about the show info, a covering & straps if the show is more than one day, the vendor’s license for your show, a few snacks to keep you going when you HOPEFULLY can’t get to the food booth & a friend to help watch your stuff when you are going back to the car to unload & finally get to go to the bathroom.
    Best of luck.

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