I Heart Betsey

I’m on a Betsey Johnson kick. She’s bold and bright and daring. The Spring ’09 line inspires ideas for a short film: Hello Dolly Goes to the Circus. Most find her a bit ostentatious, and to them I say, “isn’t that the point”?

Here is my tribute to the colorful side of life.


1: BJ Runway Designs, Style.com; 2: Rosebud Drop earrings, BJ’s Online Shop; 3: Bowler Hat, by Hats in the Belfry; 4: BJ Vintage Top, BJOnline; 5: Runway Look, Style.com; 6: AK Black Flats, piperlime


Filed under fashion, I heart..., Uncategorized

7 responses to “I Heart Betsey

  1. Did you see my Betsey post a little while ago? Looks like you had a little different take on it.. heh

  2. Did you see my Betsey post a little while ago? Looks like you had a little different take on it.. heh

    Hit submit too soon, meant to add:

    I LOVE all the items you pulled together. I’ve missed your posts! 🙂

  3. I heart her too! I collect her shoes :S

    Did you mean Spring 09?

  4. I like Bestsey Johnson. Her Jewelry is always so fun. Cute picks! I’d wear them. =D

  5. hehe…thanks patrizia…apparently my fingers haven’t entered the new year!

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